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Writer's pictureChris Thompson

5 Common Triggers That Lead to Addiction Relapse

Relapse is a common problem among addicts. In fact, 40 - 60% of addicts relapse within 30 days of leaving rehab, and a whopping 85% relapse within the first year. That’s why it’s critical for recovery success that addicts understand what triggers their use so that they can plan for those situations.

Here are 5 common triggers that lead to addiction relapse, and how best to avoid them.

1. HALT!

HALT stands for hungry, angry, lonely, and tired, and when addicts feel any of those triggers, it’s easier for them to give into the urge to turn to their substance of choice to alleviate those sensations.

Keeping a regular schedule that includes planned meals, a regular sleep schedule, and implementing new coping strategies to deal with situations that stimulate anger is key to managing these kinds of common triggers that can easily lead to addiction relapse.

2. Uncomfortable Emotions

Another common trigger that might lead to relapse is experiencing uncomfortable emotions. Since these are often at the root of addiction problems in the first place, No one likes to experience the kinds of emotions that often stem from childhood trauma, and that’s why many addicts turn to substance abuse as a form of self-medication.

This is precisely why a comprehensive recovery program should include psychotherapy, support groups, and accountability partners. There are better ways to deal with those kinds of emotions, but it requires learning new, healthier coping strategies.

3. Mental or Physical Illness

Another one of the most common triggers that lead to addiction relapse includes mental or physical illness. This is particularly problematic for prescription drug addicts, since they may need addictive drugs to alleviate continued pain.

To deal with this type of trigger, it’s important to be honest with healthcare providers about your addiction. It’s also vital to seek out alternative strategies for dealing with physical pain and mental discomfort. These might include regular exercise, meditation, and anger management.

4. Stress

One of the most common triggers that lead to addiction is stress. You just get yourself sober, and suddenly, you’re dealing with job loss, a relationship breakup, or other common stressors for addicts.

Of course, an addict’s behaviors often lead to stressful situations, and that’s why that support groups are a great way to help them deal with the stress that often results even after they get sober.

5. Social Isolation

Social isolation is a big trigger that can lead to addiction relapse. Addiction thrives in isolation. It’s already common for addicts to feel like they are all alone in the world, and they often drive away family and friends over the course of their addiction.

But you are not alone, and joining a support group, like AA, can help you understand that and prevent isolation. Working with other addicts can help alleviate feelings of isolation, and they are a source of non-judgmental support when you need it the most.

Sober Sidekick Improves Recovery Success

Sober Sidekick is a social media platform you can access via a downloadable app. It provides you with numerous support options that can help when you feel triggered to use. There’s 24/7 access to virtual AA meetings, online professional therapists, and of course, the real heart of Sober Sidekick, the community of addicts who know exactly how you feel. Give it a try today to help prevent relapse.

Image: Freepik

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