Smoking cessation has been a challenge for many for generations. While vaping has been used as a smoking cessation tool, many are now looking to quit vaping and nicotine use for good. If that sounds like you, you’re not alone, and you can do it.
Let’s dive into a few tips to help you quit vaping ASAP.
What Is Vaping?
Vaping simulates smoking and involves inhaling an aerosol through a battery-powered device. The vaping device heats up a liquid substance that combines nicotine and other additives and can have added flavoring for taste.
Vaping devices come in many forms, including vaping pens, refillable devices, and e-cigarettes.
Reasons People Start Vaping
Vaping is marketed as a safer alternative to smoking and has exploded in popularity in recent years. Some also choose to vape as a self-soothing behavior for stress, loneliness, or nervousness. Some vaping health risks are known, but further research is needed to understand the long-term side effects of vaping products.
In 2018, there were 8.1 million adults using e-cigarettes — some experts argue vaping is an epidemic. Let’s explore why people start vaping in the first place.
Vapers start their habit for a variety of reasons. Some view it as a low-cost option to smoking cigarettes. Others vape after trying other methods to stop smoking, such as nicotine patches and nicotine replacement therapy.
It should be noted that e-cigarettes are not approved as smoking cessation devices by the FDA. Other reasons for starting to vape include stress and peer pressure — especially for young adults. Picking up a vaping habit is easy — but quitting can be a challenge.
Why Should People Quit Vaping?
Vaping can be extremely addictive, and there are many reasons people decide to quit vaping. One of the top reasons is the negative health effects. Wouldn't you like to find ways to deal with those negative feelings in a positive way?
Vaping spans many age groups, with use among young people on the rise. In 2022, there were 2.5 million middle and high school students using e-cigarettes. One study explored the reasons behind young people quitting their vaping habit.
The top reasons cited for quitting vaping include:
Financial cost
Freedom from addiction
Social life impacts
Academic performance and mental health
If you or someone you love has made the decision to kick the vaping habit, you’re in the right place. We believe that the opposite of addiction is connection and community, and finding support has never been easier.
We’re here to help support you in becoming the best version of you; a version of you that cna work through those negative triggers without needing nicotine as a crutch. So, let’s dive into eight helpful tips to quit vaping.
1. Know Why You’re Quitting
Take some time to reflect on why you want to quit vaping. Anytime you change a habit, establishing the reasons behind your decision will help you stick to your goal of being vape-free.
Whatever your reason is to quit vaping, establishing your “why” is an important step in your quitting journey.
2. Create a Plan
Creating a plan for any goal provides a road map for success. For some, writing down their plan creates accountability. For others, daily meditation gives them the calm to quit.
Establishing a support system is a great first step in your plan to quit. Once you have your support people in place, you can also journal your thoughts if it’s helpful. In terms of your timeline to be vape-free, some make a plan to quit cold turkey, while others prefer a gradual process that tapers their use of nicotine.
Gradual Quitting vs. Cold Turkey
Some research says that quitting cold turkey is the best way to achieve success when quitting vaping. The truth is the quitting journey is different for everyone. What works for one person may not work for you.
If you feel gradually quitting your vape habit will be more effective for you, establish a realistic quit date on your calendar. Addiction to any nicotine product can benefit from a quit plan, which will help you build milestones toward your ultimate goal.
No one knows you better than you know yourself. If the only way for you to be vape-free is to quit cold turkey, try this approach. A 2016 study found that participants who quit cold turkey were more likely to have long-term success with adequate support.
3. Communicate Your Plan With Friends and Family
Once you’re comfortable with your plan, consider communicating it to friends and family. This serves two purposes.
First, sharing your plan with friends and family holds you accountable to the people you see most, increasing your chances of success.
Second, communicating your plan gives the people closest to you insight into your goal and a better idea of how they can best support you.
4. Establish Your Support System
Whatever you do, don’t go it alone when you decide to quit vaping. Establishing a support system is the best way to set yourself up for success. People who want to quit an addiction, including smoking traditional cigarettes, vaping, or any other substance, can benefit from support — in fact, we believe it’s essential.
Letting your healthcare provider know you intend to quit could prove helpful, as they can refer you to resources like a therapist or substance abuse counselor. Apps such as Sober Sidekick provide a community of people on a quitting journey.
Sober Sidekick is free for Apple and Android users. You can get everything from virtual meetings 24/7 to daily motivations to keep you on track — we even have a sobriety counter. And above all else, you can find the truly empathetic support necessary for health and sobriety.
Check out this list of ideas for your support system.
Friends and family
Healthcare providers
Sober Sidekick App
Mental Health or Substance Abuse Counselor
5. Keep Good Company
Keep good company, especially in the early days of quitting, and manage social situations. The last thing you need is a social visit to cause a relapse, especially after a long abstinence streak.
Turning down plans may feel selfish at first, but true friends will understand and respect your goal to be vape-free. Who knows? Maybe you’ll inspire them to quit vaping, and they’ll pause the next time they pull out their Juul.
Keep good company when quitting vaping. Surround yourself with people aligned with your goal with your best interest at heart.
6. Expect Challenges
Expect and acknowledge challenges — we all have them! Nicotine addiction is powerful and depending on the duration of your e-cigarette use, you may crave vaping nicotine.
If you’re committed to being nicotine-free, expect challenges and know you’re strong enough to overcome them.
Examples of potential challenges are:
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches
Lack of support from people close to you
Peer pressure
If you identify and expect potential challenges in the beginning, you’ll be better mentally and emotionally prepared.
7. Find Healthy Hobbies and Distractions
When trying to quit an addiction, one tip is to replace your old habit, like vaping, with a new, healthier habit. You can always find healthy distractions that will stimulate your mind and body in positive ways. Who knows? You may find hidden talents you didn’t even know about!
Examples of healthy hobbies and distractions:
Put down the vape and pick up a new hobby like gardening
Start exercising and get consistent physical activity
Get creative and try something new, like painting, writing, or playing an instrument
Get a pet — enlist a furry friend into your support group
Volunteer at a dog shelter, or any cause that brings you joy
Meditate — get calm to quit
Finding healthy habits and distractions can help shift your mind from thinking about vaping to your new favorite hobby.
8. Celebrate the Small Stuff
During your recovery journey, there will undoubtedly be ups and downs, and some days will be easier than others. No two paths are alike, and celebrating the small stuff will help you build your confidence to keep going.
Examples of small wins can include going an entire week without vaping or your first time being vape-free for 24 hours. Self-care and self-love can go a long way; part of that is acknowledging when something is working.
Celebrate the small stuff along the way. If it feels like a win to you, it’s a win worth celebrating!
Bottom Line
The reasons people start vaping are varied, and despite the health risks, vaping is on the rise. The addictive nature of vaping can make it feel challenging to stop, but quitting is within your reach, and you’re not alone.
Here’s a quick recap of eight helpful tips to quit vaping:
Know why you’re quitting
Create a plan
Communicate your plan to friends and family
Establish your support system
Keep good company
Expect challenges
Find healthy habits and distractions
Celebrate the small stuff
Our motto at Sober Sidekick is: I (Ego) can’t stay sober, but WE can stay sober. Download the Sober Sidekick app today and commit to quit with us.
Maintaining good health is essential for a balanced life. Here are eight helpful tips: stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, engage in regular exercise, get adequate sleep, manage stress through mindfulness, avoid smoking and limit alcohol, maintain a healthy weight, and consult healthcare professionals when needed. If you're looking for medication, you can easily buy Viraday online to support your health journey.